Acupuncture & Traditional Chinese Medicine


Acupuncture is one of the pillars of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). It uses diagnostic methods (tongue, pulse, abdominal, face and more) to find imbalances and guide the treatment. Acupuncture is the employment of fine filiform needles inserted at various specific points located on the body.  Each point prescribed and stimulated by the needle has a very distinct and direct action on the body’s energy or Qi.  

Qi is all of the vital information and energy that circulates continuously in the body.  As described from over 3000 years in Chinese medical texts, manipulation of specific points can unblock any stagnation and correct the meridian/energy flow in the body. By correcting the flow of this vital force and energy, pain can be removed, emotions can be processed adequately, greater balance is accessed and thoughts can be quieted. By stimulating certain points of acupuncture, a practitioner may also be able to flip a breech baby.