6 Ways to Reduce Inflammation + How Be Optimal Can Help

Inflammation is the body’s natural response to injury or infection causing localized reddness, swelling, heat and pain. However, inflammation occurs when the immune system is compromised not just from an infection or injury. It can even become systemic and is the prelude to many illnesses and disease. “When you don’t eat right, don’t get enough exercise and have too much stress, the body responds by triggering inflammation,” says James Gray, MD, a cardiologist at the Scripps Center for Integrative Medicine. “Chronic inflammation can have damaging consequences over the long term.”

Early signs of inflammation can be very subtle and go undetected for quite some time. Achy joints, bloated belly, ring finger getting a little puffy (and likely other areas of your body), fatiguing easily or just overall more tired than your usual. Often, you just feel “normal.” After a while, inflammation can begin to impact the arteries, organs and joints. Without change, this chronic inflammation can contribute to arthritis, obesity, heart disease, diabetes, cancer and other conditions.

This inflammation can be controlled and actually often REVERSED by some lifestyle changes. So glad you read up to this point…because now you get to know the 6 things you can start TODAY to shift the inflammation and ultimately, your health! YAY!


  1. EAT ANTI-INFLAMMATORY FOODS - There are many different foods that you can eat to help reduce inflammation. The Mediterranean Diet is known to be anti-inflammatory because it is high in fish (wild fish preferably), veggies, fruits and healthy fats + grains. Omega 3 fatty acids found in fish like salmon or walnuts reduces inflammation in the body. Additionally, green leafy vegetables, blueberries, seasonings like tumeric and garlic can assist in reduction of inflammation. Also, you may want to try a 5 day fasting mimicking diet to kick start getting rid of bad cells in the body and help turnover new healthy cells along with flushing out some inflammation. Inquire at Be Optimal for more info on this! It’s awesome!

  2. CUT OUT INFLAMMATORY FOODS - Stay away from processed foods high in sugar and unhealthy fats. They say, “You are what you eat” so if you find yourself eating crap…you surely begin to feel like it whether it lasts a day or shows up days or weeks later…it happens and is preventable. Sugar, wheat, corn and dairy are all inflammatory. They prevent our system from functioning at its best and can even alter our mood leaving us feeling depressed even if there doesn’t seem to be a reason. Stick to whole foods…within 2-3 weeks of this, you can’t help but to start feeling better and lighter as the inflammation reduces!

  3. EXERCISE - When we move our body, we feel more flow and balance - who doesn’t want that?! Plus, we get rid of a lot of toxins when we sweat. Try getting active 30-40 minutes 3-5 times per week with a mix of resistance training and healthy aerobic activity or even brisk walking.

  4. REDUCE STRESS - Eustress or Distress is still stress and we all have it to some degree or another. We aren’t necessarily going to get rid of it but we can certainly change our relationship to it to better support our body and mind. A diet change and exercise are great places to start AND having a meditation practice is a great option! Silent, guided or movement meditation all work - whichever you prefer and even 2-3 minutes a day of breathing and meditating can make a world of difference in your health and your life.

  5. GET ADJUSTED - I’m a chiropractor so I’d be remiss if I left this one out. Getting a good adjustment opens up flow of communication in the body and gets everything working better. It also boosts the immune system and can reduce stressors in the body almost immediately. Keeping the body more balanced can prevent injury and therefore less chance for more inflammation.

  6. TAKE SUPPLEMENTS - Some of you might be reading about the foods listed above to eat more frequently and you absolutely would never touch them to your mouth or even if you did choose to increase your intake of those healthier foods, you find your lifestyle doesn’t allow you to integrate it into your diet enough to make significant change. That is where using supplementation can make a world of difference. We carry many high quality supplements that can support a shift of inflammation including but not limited to: Fermented Tumeric, Fish Oil, Raw Greens Powder, Raw Green Pills, and other formulas to support eliminating inflammation and boosting the immune system while helping to reduce stress.

We use modalities at our office that can support shifting and reconnecting brain health, eye health, digestive health, reproductive health, musculoskeletal health and so much more. The foundation of our health comes from the food we eat, what we choose to drink, breathe, etc. Inflammation is a great breeding ground for illness. Take the steps needed to flush it out and quit fueling it. It is a HUGE start toward wellness and vitality. Then our work can get you the rest of the way with more ease and grace.

Burning questions after reading this blog on ways to reduce inflammation and get/stay healthy??? Join us once a month at Dinner with the Doctors FREE event and learn more about this, what we do and how we might be able to help you and your family.

It is never too late or too early to get started on your health journey.

With Sincerity and Love,

Dr. Cari J.