
Sintergetica is a complete medical system offering an integrated therapeutic approach to the patient. It is a synthesis of various medical paradigms and practices from Chinese Medicine, Tibetan Medicine, Ayurveda, bioenergetics and bio-cybernetics.  During a treatment, you might experience everything from magnets, cold lasers, RAMS (filters of information and morphic archetypes), color and sound therapy, visualization, energy medicine and meditation.  

During a session, one may experience a wide range of sensations, ranging from feeling more centered in their mind, emotional release, an ability to breathe more deeply, a heightened sense of awareness, deep relaxation and more.  Each session is geared to the individual and, therefore, each experience is very personal.  

This method is designed not to treat illness or dis-ease.  It is a means to reclaim a state of homeostasis (natural balance and harmony) on a physical, mental, emotional and consciousness level.  With this, true healing can be accessed and manifested from within the core/source of the person.  Sintergetica is known to be a consciousness medicine and a way of life.