6 Ways to Balance Your Hormones

Here at Be Optimal, we see many women who are experiencing hormonal imbalances. The hormonal system of the body is a delicate system, that is very sensitive to stressors whether they be environmental, dietary, or common stressors of our modern world. Many times, women have had their hormone levels assessed, and told that they are “normal” however symptoms still persist. Wondering if you’ve got a hormonal imbalance? Keep reading!

If you experience one or more of the following symptoms, it may be a result of an imbalance in your hormones. Do you experience any of the following?

  • Hair loss

  • Low libido

  • Mood Swings - a roller coaster of emotions that don’t seem to match what’s going on like irritability, depression, crying, anxiety

  • Unexplained weight gain or loss

  • Holding onto weight especially around the belly

  • Poor sleep/sleep disruption (either insomnia or night sweats)

  • Fatigue

  • Infertility

  • Acne

  • Brain fog

Hormones are essential for so many different functions in the body and when they are out of balance, it can have an effect on many other body systems. Hormone imbalances can effect the immune system, cravings, energy levels, gut health, skin health, and more. It can also greatly affect our relationships with the people we love the most. So how can you help yourself get back to balance naturally?

Here are 6 ways that can help support hormonal balance naturally:

  1. Exercise is not only a great tool for weight reduction, but is also fabulous for a stable mood. It is important to exercise in a variety of different ways. Weight lifting can greatly affect body mass and weight reduction, and help build muscle, which also positively impacts hormones. However, it’s important to not workout too hard. We want to avoid draining the adrenal system too far. Balance your weight lifting with some gentle exercise like light jogging, brisk walking, swimming, yoga, etc.

  2. Eat a Balanced Diet consistently, complete with healthy fats like avocado, coconut and olives and be sure to eat a bit of protein at your meals. Protein (in its simplest form - amino acids) is the building block of your body and can help the body (along with good healthy fats) to feel full and regain balance. Do NOT go on and off FAD diets. The yo-yo affect of having rapid weight loss and then weight gain confuses the system and makes it harder for balance and regulated metabolism.

  3. Stay Away from Processed Sugar and other Inflammatory Foods. Reducing inflammation in the body has a positive impact on your hormones. Avoid dairy, sugar, wheat, corn and soy. All of these food create inflammation. Soy in particular is estrogenic in nature, and can contribute to hormonal imbalances.

  4. Avoid mid-afternoon Caffeine breaks. A study done by researchers at John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, links excess caffeine intake to a jolt of cortisol, which will only cause people to experience increased stress, anxiety and can severely disturb sleep. What about your morning ‘cup of Joe?’ - no worries - 1 cup of Caffeine in the morning doesn’t fight the natural rhythm of cortisol as it is meant to go up in the morning. If you need an afternoon boost opt for green tea instead - it can actually help hormones balance and is much lower in caffeine.

  5. Reduce Stress with meditation, yoga, exercise, breathing exercises, journaling, massage, etc. This helps reduce adrenaline and cortisol and amongst many benefits, it will hinder excessive hunger, reduce blood pressure, rapid heart rate and anxiety.

  6. Consult with a Doctor at Be Optimal. There is no cookie-cutter approach here. We work with each individual to find the root cause of the symptoms being experienced and to find the best treatment plan for you. Our promise is that we want you well so if we can’t find a way to help you, we will find someone who can. Our ultimate goal is help people achieve and maintain optimal health.

To learn more, sign up for our webinar on balancing hormones naturally!

In Health,

Dr. Abby Kramer