The Do's and Don'ts of Treating Seasonal Allergies


Allergies occur when the brain is failing to properly identify a substance and creates a hypersensitivity response of the immune system that can affect the entire body. When this happens the body releases a substance called Histamine, which creates the typical allergic response. These hypersensitivity reactions typically occur for two reason:

  1. The body is depleted and needs additional support to function properly. This means we can DO something to support the body.

  2. There’s too much of something that the body needs to eliminate to appropriately process whatever stimulus is causing a hypersensitivity reaction. This means there are things to avoid or if you DON’T do something, it can support the body.

Triad of Health

At Be Optimal, we address health by looking at the body as a whole. Every symptom in the body (including allergies) is the result of a Structural, Biochemical, or Emotional imbalance. Use this concept to understand the DO’s and DON’Ts of seasonal allergies.


Do: Chiropractic Care

Your nervous system controls every aspect of your body, and so any disruptions in the brain-body communication can create a plethora of symptoms- including allergies. Getting adjusted by a chiropractor not only realigns the spine, but it removes any interferences the spinal misalignment may be creating in that brain-body communication.

Don’t: Overwork your body

This means honoring our rest! Sleep deprivation has been shown to induce the allergy response, which is why we often wake up with a cough or sinus congestion. Increase your ability to get a good night’s sleep by:

  1. Avoid blue light at least 2 hours before bed. This includes phones, TV, computers, etc.

  2. Sleep in a cool, dark room. (I love blackout curtains for this!)

  3. Go to bed and wake up at the same time everyday. The body LOVES routine. This will help reset your circadian rhythm and your body will begin to know when it is time to rest.


Do: Nutritional Support

  • Drink plenty of water

    • Histamine formation and release is directly related to the viscosity of our body fluids. When we are dehydrated our bloods gets thicker (more viscous) which makes it flow less efficiently. As a result the body releases histamine to compensate. The less water we consume, the more histamine that’s released, and the worse our allergy symptoms get as a result. Break the cycle, drink lots of good quality water frequently!

  • Nutritional supplements

    1. Often times the body just needs a little extra support to decrease the allergy response of the body. Supporting the liver and other organs of the body can help to combat against the allergens of our environment. Here are some of my favorite supplements to help:

      1. Antronex : This is a whole food based supplement that supports our immune system and liver detox mechanisms.

      2. D-hist Jr. : This supports sinus and respiratory health. It also clears the nasal passage by promoting normal viscosity of mucus.

      3. Mega Spore: The gut controls about 80% of our immune response, and in this case the histamine response is directly related to our gut health. Taking a daily probiotic like mega spore can diversify the microbiome of our gut lining, therefore supporting gut health and your allergies!

Don’t: inflammatory foods

The purpose of the histamine reaction is to increase inflammation so when we eat inflammatory foods, we are just adding fuel to the fire. This is why cutting out inflammatory foods is crucial in decreasing the allergy response. Common foods such as gluten, corn, dairy, sugar, and soy all cause the body to spike in inflammation, lower the immune response, and increase mucous production. Also avoiding oils such as Canola, Vegetable, Cottonseed, and Corn oils. These oils are very high in Omega-6 which is pro-inflammatory in nature.


Do: Address your stress

Clinically, what we see in practice is that allergies are almost always related to some degree of emotional stress. While these stressors may be hard to work through, they are ultimately harder not to; burying the stress only causes the body to manifest it in other ways (in this case through your allergy symptoms). Here’s what we can do to process the stress:

  • Work with one of our practitioners

    • All of our chiropractors are certified in Neuro-Emotional Technique (NET) which works to remove the physiological response to stress on the body. In addition to NET we utilize several other techniques and remedies to help you move through your stress with ease and grace. Learn more about these techniques at our Dinner with the Doctors Event!

  • Essential Oils

    • Breathing in essential oils has a direct effect on our limbic brain AKA our emotional brain. The smells go directly from the nose and travels into the limbic system to tell our mind to calm down. Try diffusing an essential oil in your home or workspace, or in a bath after a long day!

Don’t: skip self care

Make time for your brain to stop swirling. We spend all day with racing thoughts and multi-tasking. Adding just a few minutes of stillness to your day can be so impactful for your mentality. Try journaling, meditation, walking in nature, or anything that fuels your soul and really allows you to clear your mind.

I hope this post provides some strategies for you and your loved ones to combat seasonal allergies this Spring. Before beginning a new supplement or health protocol remember to consult your healthcare provider to make sure your protocol is right for you.

Dr. Naomi Smith, DC