4 Tips to Balance Blood Sugar

Having balanced blood sugar is so important for many processes of the body, and it’s an aspect of health that so many of our patients struggle with. With the holiday season coming, it’s critically important to have balanced blood sugar, despite all the holiday treats. Having imbalanced blood sugar can lead to the following symptoms:

  • Sudden onset of hunger

  • Symptoms of anxiety

  • Nervousness or shakiness

  • Feeling dizzy or lightheaded

  • Feeling fatigued, groggy, or tired

  • Trouble sleeping

  • Feeling fatigued in the morning

  • Mood swings

  • Headaches

  • Brain fog

  • …..and more!

I’m sure at one time or another you have experienced any one of these symptoms - and it ALL can be linked back to imbalanced blood sugar levels. So what can we do about it? A lot! Here are my top 4 tips to help manage blood sugar levels.

Start the Day off Right

Start you day off with a healthy dose of protein. We need protein - it is the building block of every cell in the body! Many of us tend to start the day with quick and fast carbohydrates: a recipe for a blood sugar crash! Ideas for a protein packed breakfast can include: eggs, protein shake, protein bar, healthy breakfast sausage, smoked salmon, or even leftovers from the night before!

Never Consume Naked Carbs

If you’re choosing to partake in carbohydrates (hello, Thanksgiving!) then you MUST also consume some healthy fat or protein. Never consume only carbohydrates: ie: a piece of fruit. If you are having an apple as a snack, pair it with some nut butter. It will help your body process the carbohydrate better and give you longer energy stores. Enjoying some pie for dessert at thanksgiving? Have a dose of homemade organic whipped cream (full fat of course) along with it, and maybe a handful of nuts too!

Consider Intermittent Fasting

I have recently adopted an intermittent fasting schedule and I am LOVING it! No, I don’t fast all day. I personally follow the 16:8 fasting rule, meaning I fast for 16 hours of the day and have an 8 hour eating window. I have my first meal around 11am and am done eating for the day by 7pm. This is also very convenient for busy folks! It is one less meal I have to worry about or plan for, which I love! My energy has felt better and I have felt way more clear headed since adopting this eating schedule. There are lots of benefits to intermittent fasting not only for blood sugar regulation but also metabolism, weight management, and longevity. Want to learn more? Here’s a great resource to begin intermittent fasting. As always, before starting a new diet regimen, please consult with your healthcare provider.

Biohack with Supplements

Supplements are an amazing way to help your body be in a better state of balance. Some of my favorite supplements (all available at our store) to help your body manage blood sugar better are the following:

  • Gastro Digest 2: HCL + digestive enzymes to help you break down a meal

  • Fat/Sugar Enzyme: Great for holiday treats or meals high in fats and sugars

  • Similase GFCF: An enzyme tailored specifically to break down gluten and dairy (staple for holiday meals!)

  • MegaSporeBiotic: amazing spore based probiotic that also helps police the gut and get rid of negative bacteria, fungus, and yeast that can cause sugar cravings

To stock up on these and more shop our online store, here. We also ship!

Want to learn more? Tune into our live stream Dinner with the Docs on Tuesday, November 10th at 6:30pm central. We stream live monthly on FB and instagram @beoptimal! Click here for more details and to register!

In health,

Dr. Abby